Saturday, February 12, 2011

For the Love of Basketball

Now ladies, if you have a man, you know that he has some sort of obsession with a sport or a hobby. If you don't know this, their obsession is their "sweet" getaway. Usually, men will go here when they have too much on their mind or they want to get some things OFF their mind!

Today, Justin played basketball - with a broke ankle! He tore it the day before yesterday. It swelled up to a size of a baseball.

After the game
 He wasn't supposed to play - we were only there for support. But a man's pride will not allow him to watch his team lose for they were down by 12. So a little after halftime, he limped his way to go change into his basketball clothes... Now WHY DIDN'T I STOP HIM??????

One thing I have learned since being married is that sometimes, I am not ABLE to talk him out of things. I know it wasn't wise, BUT when a man's mind is made up, stopping him will only make him more apt to prove you wrong. So I ENCOURAGED him and told him to be careful.

It was a great game. Justin, with a broken ankle, played only 8 minutes but scored 6 POINTS!!!! His team did still lose, by 2 POINTS! Justin just being there and participating in the game encouraged the other players to hustle. And this is why I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. No matter what the circumstances are, my husband will at least try becasue he knows he can do it.

Some people give up because they know they're not going to win anyway - and that's what you call a true failure.

Some try - because in their effort, they increase the chances of winning.