Tuesday, May 31, 2011

After 9 Days Without Husband....

So my husband was at Florida since last Monday for a sales trip. I have to say, I did miss him terribly! But, I kept myself busy. Here are some of the things I did during his time away:
  1. Worked out a total of 9 hours
  2. Had Orange Leaf for the first time
  3. Had Cherry Berry for the first time
  4. Had sushi with my girls, also there was Camilla Hanohano, whom I've known since I was 12
  5. Shopped at Teavana for the first time- from there I got amazing gifts for my girlfriends
  6. Celebrated Loriel's birthday dinner at the Melting Pot.
  7. Watched "Gossip Girl" for the first time
  8. Watched "Conviction" starring Hilary Swank but fell asleep to it
  9. Stayed up til 3am-4am 2 nights in a row
  10. Went to a black and white party
  11. Wore a dress that I've only worn once since I was 16.
  12. Listened to messages on the Old Testament- Learned about: Covenant with Abraham, The Patriarchal Blessing, Moses & the Exodus, The Passover, The Giving of the Law, The Tabernacle, Aaron & the Pristhood, Joshua & the Conquest of Canaan, The Cycle of Judges, The Monarchy, David, SOlomon & the Temple, and The Dvided Kingdom.
  13. Washed all of the dirty clothes and towels that existed in my apartment.
  14. Bought a comforter cover for my down.
  15. Used a crockpot for the first time.
  16. Drank smoothies every weekday for breakfast or lunch.
  17. Watched "Real Housewives of New Jersey" for the first time, and got HOOKED!
  18. Went through a tornado watch/warning.
  19. Watched "The King's Speech".
  20. Had Loriel sleep over 3 nights in a row.
  21. Celebrated my last day without hubby at Cheesecake Factory with Loriel.
  22. Found out that the store Cache in the mall buys their dresses for about $20-$30 and sells them for $200.
  23. And I did NOT write a blog the entire time he was gone. BOO on me.