Monday, June 20, 2011

Our 1 Year Anniversary!

"It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again."

So how did we celebrate our 1 year anniversary???!!! Well, I'm glad you asked....
  • Slept in.
  • Went to church.
  • Tried to sell a truck.
  • Had yogurt at Orange Leaf! :)
  • Watched, "The Hot Chick"
  • Went out to dinner at Ti Amo
  • Had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory.
My sweet husband gave me a set of beautiful earrings, nice sunglasses, Kauai 100% Hawaiian chocolate macadamia coffee, 2 baking books, and three 2 hour baking classes at a bakery! AWESOME!!!!!

I gave him an OBD2 code reader for his car hobby. I know, it's just one thing and a little boring, but it was an expensive little thing! He was thrilled.

Wow, 1 year has passed! It's crazy to believe that my husband and I have been married for 365 days. I sincerely do not regret a single day that has passed. Everyday was an adventure. Here are some of the highlights of our past year together:
  1. Went on a cruise for our honeymoon to Catalina Island and then to Encinada, Mexico.
  2. Completely relocated myself from California to Oklahoma, he relocated from Missouri.
  3. Got broken into several times in our first home, boy that was fun. NOT!
  4. Relocated housing 3 times!
  5. My husband and I thought I was PREGNANT for approximately 1 hour.*read story of what happened at the end of blog
  6. I colored my hair a COMPLETELY different color, it was brownish/reddish with blonde highlights. 
  7. Went to Las Vegas for a sales trip and for some family time (I know what you're thinking, Vegas - family time??? Those 2 don't go together!)
  8. Spent my first Christmas at my husband's house in Missouri.
  9. Got me some SHAPE UP shoes! Actually, they're Reebok Retones.
  10. Got a raise at my job for working there for a year! WHOOT-WHOOT!
  11. Tulsa got SNOWED in on February, so I didn't have work for 4 days! Spent quality time with hubby!
  12. My husband and I both jumped in a frozen pool, that was a chilling adventure....
  13. We've purchased 7 vehicles since we've been married and sold 5 of them.
  14. Justin started a new business! Residential Power Solutions
  15. I started a new hobby, baking!
  16. Went to Orange Beach/Gulf Shores, Alabama for a 1 week vacation. That was pretty awesome.
  17. Was left by alone for a total of 2 weeks this year while hubby was gone for sales trips. Miserable.
  18. Got into doing pilates - was only consistant for 1 month. :-P
  19. Flew to California for a week to spend time with my family and also for my brother's gradutaion!
  20. And last but not least, this year I started my blog, "Diaries of a Newlywed"! :)