Friday, July 1, 2011

How To Be a Lady - Part 1

Why Be a Lady?

1. First of all, your world will be made more pleasant.

2. You'll be so pleased with yourself that you spoke kindly and gently, you'll smile from within!

3. Those beautiful  manners will be returned from others, treating you like royalty.

4. Your royal etiquette makes the men in your life feel more like gentlemen. Yes, you'll be amazed how civil and wonderful your time is spent together, even in disagreement.

5. People will love you, wherever you go, even the little dogs and cats. It is a great self-esteem booster!

6. You will feel more beautiful, and you will even have the courage to graciously stand up for something you believe in, or for someone who has no voice.

7. You will gain a relaxed sense of confidence, an ease about yourself. You will feel secure in yourself. You won't feel the need to impress or respond to bad manners with the same tit-for-tat. You are gracious.

8. Whether conscious or by instinct, being a lady helps you be decisive and assured - of knowing how to go about your day, get around in life, what to do in every situation.

9. Being a lady is about being kind. It is also about choosing to believe the best in others and yourself.

10. Ready to see what it takes to be one? It is easier than it looks, really. All it is really an extension of common sense.

Misconceptions of Being A Lady

A lady has to know all the rules of etiquette.
A lady is boring, she doesn't speak what she really thinks.
A lady has to dress in all this conservative looking clothes from the 1900s.
A lady has to carry a handkerchief everywhere she goes.
A lady doesn't like sports.
A lady is never sexy.

What it Means to Be a Lady in Today’s Culture

Today, what it means to 'be a lady' is lost among the sea of messages of what one wears, what one talks about, who she hangs out with or where they dine, holiday, hang out.

That is hardly the case.

I can say right now that being a lady is more than imitating the behaviors of a sophisticated and elegant lady, worse, if it's just because she has the income!

What it means to be a lady in today’s society is not memorizing a bunch of rules. It means that how you behave is birthed from a kind thought, or simply a more organized way of doing something.